Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey day :)

Long time no post from me .. well we have been a bit busy .. This post is mainly about thanksgiving so a bit history first
Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated mainly in Canada and USA on the 4th Thursday of November which is 22nd this year :)
It is said that this is the day were the pilgrims (travelers in Latin) first landed in America .. They celebrated this day with a big feast with the native Americans the main part of the feast was turkey .

Nowadays every year American family members travel from all over the world to gather and have their feast.
Since that were are in the united stated we shared this experience .. As I previously posted chef z is doing a training course in Florida .. His training course is at Texas Roadhouse which recently opened a branch back home (Kuwait) .. Any ways .. This branch of Texas Roadhouse (Wesley Chapel) an annual lunch gathering is organized before thanks giving day for all the workers there so we were invited .. Everybody had to participate with a dish so I've decided to make a traditional dish to introduce my culture ... I made (7alwa)

We have reached to the restaurant early

outside was a huge pan containing the turkey and filled with oil to fry it

When I got inside chef z showed me a certificate on the wall

So apperantly the american flag hanging outside the restaurant is from kuwait  :)

The tables were set inside and my dish was the first to be on the table ... yaaaaay
Since that we arrived early i got an insider tour in the resturant ( where the actual action happens)
The turkey was already sliced so i couldn't get a full photo of it .. i got only the remainings 

All the people were so friendly and asked me about Kuwait and the difference between life here and back home.
After putting evething on the table we started digging into the dishes every thing was tasty .. The turkey was soo tender and full of flavor ... Mashed potatoes was creamy .. the dessert side was full of options .

At the end everbody gathered to take a photo to print a memory in our minds
It was a great experience ... got to know alot of new people .. introduced my country :)

by the way ... 7alwa was a win

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