Saturday, September 8, 2012

getting to know your neck

who didn't wake up one day without neck pain .. this problem is really common because of several resons i will be stating later .. to start let us get to know our necks better ..

the neck consist of 7 vertebras separated by inter vertebral discs .. the spinal cord as shown runs through the vertebras .. what you guys need to know is that those discs are shock absorbers and they distribute the weight of the head evenly on the vertebra . another important information is that between each two vertebras there is a nerve root that comes out of the spinal cord to innervate neck and shoulder muscles

 now into the main core of this post (NECK PAIN)
believe it or not if you suffer from pain the in colored area it might be radiated from your neck
common causes of neck pain are :
  • arthritis
  • degenerative disc disease
  • trauma or injury
  • worry and stress
  • bad posture
in this post i will talk about the bad posture only .... the following picture will show you which is the proper neck alignment so take a trip to the mirror and check out your neck :P
so if a person has a tilted head either forward or backward it will lead to a herniation of the disc which will cause alot of pain

now to the commonly mistake done ...
and the proper position is
of course no one uses the common desktop anymore so just apply the photo into your lifestyle

please please please do NOT sit in one position for more than 45 without moving ... this will really affect your neck and back muscles so here is a list of exercises that you can do while being at work to relief the stress off your muscles especially your neck :)

i would suggest that you repeat each exercise 5 times every 45 minutes :)

i hope that i presented the idea well and if you have any question or suggestions please don't hesitate
to contact me on the blog's e-mail :

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