Friday, December 28, 2012

One of our war stars ..... has set

Yesterday retired Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf one of our Kuwait liberation operation (Gulf war) heroes passed away in Tampa after complications of pneumonia aged 78.

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf (August 22, 1934 – December 27, 2012) was a member of a military family. His father was serving in Iran when he was born .. Gen. Schwarzkopf attended the Community High School in Tehran, later the International School of Geneva at La Châtaigneraie, Frankfurt High School in Frankfurt, Germany and attended and graduated from Valley Forge Military Academy.  Later graduated from the United States Military Academy, with a bachelor degree of science . served twice in Vietnam.   In 1990 he played a major role in planning and working the operation dessert storm to liberate Kuwait from the invasion of Iraq that operation reached an end with success on 26-Feb.1991.   

After the war Gen. Schwarzkopf was offered a position of Chief of Staff of the United States Army but he declined. In retirement he served ad a military analyst for NBC .  In 1993 he was diagnosed with prostate cancer but was treated . He left our world on 27th of December 2012 in Tampa, Florida, at age 78 due to complications from pneumonia

R.I.P Norman Schwarzkopf the Kuwaiti people will always be grateful for what you did

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